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Monthly Archives: September 2015

3 Easy Ways To Be Energetic Not Tired After Lunch

The 3 o’clock exhaustion doesn’t have to happen. You can eat a filling lunch without feeling tired later. I eat a great lunch and have plenty of energy in the early afternoon. Here are 3 simple ways to do that. Skip the sugary drink. Sugar is definitely a contributor to the exhaustion after lunch. Trade in the soda or juice with ... Read More »

5 Simple Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Most people think that breast cancer is something that if you’re going to get, that there’s nothing you can do about it. That couldn’t be more wrong! It is true that if you have certain genetic mutations, you are likely to develop breast cancer. But you don’t HAVE to get breast cancer just because of your BRCA2 genes. There’s a ... Read More »

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