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Free and Simple Fountain of Youth

We all want to remain young, and live a long, healthy life. Companies have been trying to find the answer to this in a pill, food, drink or device that they can sell to you. Unfortunately, the real fountain of youth is not something that can be sold. It is a simple change in how you live that keeps your ... Read More »

5 Simple Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer

Most people think that breast cancer is something that if you’re going to get, that there’s nothing you can do about it. That couldn’t be more wrong! It is true that if you have certain genetic mutations, you are likely to develop breast cancer. But you don’t HAVE to get breast cancer just because of your BRCA2 genes. There’s a ... Read More »

Beware of Your Doctor

Doctors are just humans, subject to having a bad day, being distracted, doing a poor job and making a mistake. Unfortunately, far too often, we believe everything our doctors tell us without ever questioning it. I’m not saying to mistrust all doctors. I’m just saying take your health into your own hands and make sure that you are getting an ... Read More »

Chemo Secrets: 3 Easy Ways To Make Chemo Less Damaging

Chemotherapy is poison. Your oncologist is essentially trying to kill the cancer cells with chemo before the chemo kills all the rest of cells in the body, and thereby kills you! With that in mind, as soon as you receive a chemotherapy treatment, your mission is to flush the poison out your body as quickly as possible. Once chemo is inside you, ... Read More »

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