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Welcome to my site Health Answers Now. I’m Dr. Karen Vieira. My doctorate is in biomedical sciences and I have research experience with many diseases and health conditions, plus with food, nutrition and supplements. I’ve worked in hospitals, research labs and even in the biggest food company in America. I’ve learned a lot along the way and I love to use my knowledge to help people live better so they heal naturally and feel great. I enjoy writing and teaching on these topics. So I developed this site so you can have all your health questions answered now. Along with my team of MDs, PhDs and NDs I work with, we will keep giving you interesting articles that answer all your health questions.

If you’re interested in learning more about me, seeing some of my books and programs, or having a consultation with me check out my bio page at karenvieira.com to find all that information and links to my other sites.

Keep the questions coming!

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