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Monthly Archives: February 2015

You Don’t Eat MSG…Or Do You Without Realizing?

MSG or monosodium glutamate is an artificially created chemical made to mimic the naturally occurring amino acid glutamic acid that gives meats, fish, dairy and other foods their “umami” flavor. Studies have shown that the chemical MSG when used as an artificial flavor in foods is toxic and can cause headaches, food addictions, weight gain and diabetes. This brain and nervous ... Read More »

Why Mass Shootings Are Increasing

School shootings, work shootings, snipers out in public…this is everyday news. Mass shootings are increasingly common. Why? Some speculate that people are becoming more violent and desensitized due to the increased violence on TV, in movies and in video games. But be honest — the percentage increase in violence we are exposed to via media and games doesn’t correlate to ... Read More »

Instantly Fix The Stomach Flu

Out of nowhere, suddenly your stomach is hurting, you’re sweating, nauseous, vomiting, having diarrhea, and maybe even fever and a headache. This is usually caused by harmful bacteria that was in something you ate, drank or touched. Sometimes it’s a virus that causes it. Either way, the trick to healing this instantly is to bind up the bacteria or virus ... Read More »

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