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Tag Archives: processed foods

All Supermarket Foods Are Toxic

I’m not just talking about the stuff you know that’s really unhealthy – I’m talking about almost EVERYTHING. Fruits, vegetables, meats, pasta, flour, breads, crackers, cheeses, milk, eggs, chips, cookies, candies, cakes…I really mean everything. Fruits and vegetables are soaked in toxic pesticides and herbicides. If you buy the ones that are already cut up you, they are also sprayed ... Read More »

You Don’t Eat MSG…Or Do You Without Realizing?

MSG or monosodium glutamate is an artificially created chemical made to mimic the naturally occurring amino acid glutamic acid that gives meats, fish, dairy and other foods their “umami” flavor. Studies have shown that the chemical MSG when used as an artificial flavor in foods is toxic and can cause headaches, food addictions, weight gain and diabetes. This brain and nervous ... Read More »

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