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Weight Loss

Free and Simple Fountain of Youth

We all want to remain young, and live a long, healthy life. Companies have been trying to find the answer to this in a pill, food, drink or device that they can sell to you. Unfortunately, the real fountain of youth is not something that can be sold. It is a simple change in how you live that keeps your ... Read More »

Top 10 Simple Weight Loss Tricks

Almost everyone is trying to lose weight. There are simple ways to lose weight without going on a diet. Try them all out and comment below about which ones work best for you. 1. Eat from small plates or bowls Tricks your brain into thinking that because you ate all you are full People lose 1 1/2 lbs per month just from ... Read More »

You Don’t Eat MSG…Or Do You Without Realizing?

MSG or monosodium glutamate is an artificially created chemical made to mimic the naturally occurring amino acid glutamic acid that gives meats, fish, dairy and other foods their “umami” flavor. Studies have shown that the chemical MSG when used as an artificial flavor in foods is toxic and can cause headaches, food addictions, weight gain and diabetes. This brain and nervous ... Read More »

The Easiest And Fastest Way To Lose Weight

Forget surgery, pills, counting calories and low carb diets. Here’s how the pros lose weight fast and keep it off for life: fasting. No, I don’t mean 40 days and 40 nights like Jesus. I just mean not eating for a short period of time – anytime from a couple hours to a day. That’s it. First, you have to ... Read More »

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